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After careful consideration, BCE has decided to cancel the in-person portion of the BCE Fundraising Gala on March 21st.
Due to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation, and the recent San Mateo County Health Department’s recommendation to cancel all non-essential events, BCE in conjunction with BSD, has decided this is the best decision for the health of our community. The focus now shifts to how we can fundraise online and also recoup some of the expense that goes into hosting a Gala.  
The online auction will continue as planned, and all live auction packages will be moved online as well. We will have our critically-important Fund-A-Dream virtually, the weekend of March 20-22.   
This was an incredibly difficult decision. The funds raised at our Fundraising Gala are crucial for our schools and children. We also know how beloved this annual event is to our parent community, but ultimately health and well-being take precedence. We are confident that our dedicated community will rise to the occasion to help ensure we are still able to raise the funds that are required to sustain programs such as music, PE, library, professional development and more. We are asking everyone to join us full-force in our online fundraising event. 
We want to thank all of you for understanding during this challenging period. The unknowns that COVID-19 poses at the current time require a unity of purpose in our community to do what we can to limit the impact of this situation on our community.
Thank you to Vanessa Bass, VP Events; Davina Chall, Gala Chair; Judith Kashyap, Live Auction Chair; and all the volunteers and staff for their countless hours spent planning what would have been an amazing event. Thank you so much for understanding, and we look forward to your participation in the Online Auction and our critically needed virtual Fund-A-Dream! 

The BCE Board